Bummer! We’re sorry to hear that. Please contact our customer service department at 866-243-2111 so we can help you find a solution. Our team is available Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm CT (excluding major holidays). You can also submit a request via our Contact Us form.
You like us! You really, really like us! And we want to get you the Caboodles you like, too. The best way to stay up to date so you know when your fave Caboodles are back in stock is to follow us on social media: Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. Or you can sign up for our email list to get the latest scoop right in your inbox. (Psst. There’s a signup box at the bottom of this page. Keep scrolling.)
Let’s do some detective work… You’ll get two emails when you place an order on caboodles.com. First comes the confirmation email. This basically says: “Wohoo! We got your order!” It will also include your order number. Keep that handy if you need to talk to us about your order at any point. The second email will come when your order ships. It has a very important piece of info: your tracking number! That tracking number will take you to the UPS website so you can follow your Caboodle on its way to you.
If you don’t get any emails, we probably didn’t get your order. Which is a major bummer. If you get the first email but not the second, hold tight. We’re working on it! And if you get both emails, follow the tracking details for more information. Still don’t have your Caboodle? Calls us or fill out our Contact Us form.
When you place an order on caboodles.com, there will be a temporary hold on your credit card. This will show as “pending” on your account. Don’t freak! We won’t actually process payment until your order ships. So you’ll see that charge change to a sale that’s deducted from your account *only* when we ship the Boodle goods to you. If for some reason your order doesn’t go through or ship, that pending payment will drop off your card. Still confused or need more info? Give us a call.
Cantilever trays stay folded up/closed when you open your train case. A quick tug on the top one will make them unfold so you can access all the levels. These trays are easy to adjust so you can unfold them as wide or narrow as you want. Auto-open trays pop open when you open your Caboodle in one fell swoop! However you can’t adjust these trays, open one at a time, etc. Which is better? It’s all a matter of preference, babe. Get one of each and see which you like best! You can’t have too many Caboodles anyway, can you? ????
Sounds like a glam-ergency! We can definitely fix this. Email [email protected] with your full name, shipping address and phone number so we can get you some new keys. Please allow several days for response.
Thanks for the love! We’re sending it right back. Connect with us on social media to stay up-to-date with Caboodles both new and old. We’re on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Join the conversation by tagging #Caboodles; you might even see your photo or comment featured on one of our accounts!
I want to sell Caboodles at my boutique. Do you have a catalog? How do I place an order?
Let’s get you some Caboodles! Please email [email protected] to learn more about becoming a Caboodles retailer, access a digital version of our catalog, or to begin the process of placing an order.
Unfortunately we no longer offer personalized nameplates for Caboodles. But don’t fret! Take a look at our On-The-Go Girl Doodle Edition instead. It’s 100% customizable, and 100% you.
Caboodles is a brand that is part of the Plano Synergy group of brands and companies. Please be aware that charges for your purchases will appear on your statement as being from Plano Synergy.
Unfortunately at this time we do not deliver Caboodles orders to P.O. Boxes. We know this is a major bummer and we’re working to resolve it!